Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Long time no Blog!

Hey guys, I have been off for a while since I went on vacation, I have been getting ready for a horse show so it's been busy, busy, busy. Hope you guys are doing well! I don't have to much so say execpt one of my chickens got bumble foot and... the surgery didn't go to great because I didn't get everything out... so it's still a bit puffed up and my mum is left to take care of it, we are thinking of taking her to a country vet that we know, because I REALLY don't want to open it back up again it was just to gross for me. Here are so photos of some of the horses :) x

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just an update :)

Well today I went out to the chickens and all was well, they are happy :) that broody is giving me some big problems though I actually haven't been able to break her and I now have to try out a new thing because nothing I do will work! :(

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another snake!

Today I went outside to yet another snake, what in the world!? So I had someone come out to the coop and kill it, I believe he ate some of my eggs.. oh well.


Sorry to anyone who regularly came to read my blog I have been so busy for the last couple weeks, but now i'm back to blogging! :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Trying to break that broody chicken!

*Sigh* still trying to break her yesterday she stayed off the nest longer but it still being broody I think, although I just took my wire cage out of the coop I will have to bring it back in because she just isn't budging..

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's the bean!

The other day I went out on our porch where I have a bean plant, I was soo happy when I saw a bean on it!! The plant almost died a little while ago so it's pretty puny that's why I was so amazed to see a bean on it!!

Broody chicken!

Today, I was greeted with a broody! To bad I just got rid of my rooster, i'll break this one and maybe some time next year i'll let one of them hatch some eggs. :)